
TraCS has been operational in a production environment for Illinois since March of 2015 with rollout of Crash and Vehicle Inspection forms. Once these forms stabilized, Illinois set off on an aggressive schedule to add additional forms within TraCS. TraCS has been well received in the field, providing an easy-to-use standard process for the collection of data and streamlined operations.
- LEAD STATE: Illinois
- PROGRAM SUPPORTED BY: State of Illinois
- TRACS SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT: Illinois law enforcement agencies
- MACH SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT: Illinois law enforcement agencies
- FUTURE DEPLOYMENT PLANS: TraCS and MACH deployment to additional Illinois law enforcement agencies
- LAST UPDATED: 2024/07
TraCS Use
Forms being used by Illinois include:
- Illinois Department of Transportation SR-1050 Crash
- Comercial Motor Vehicle Inspection - VSIS (Aspen replacement)
- Tow In
- Pedestrian Stop Card
- Traffic Stop Card
- Written Warning
- Citation
- Civil Law Citation
- Overweight Citation
- Field Report
- Alcohol/Drug Influence
- Arrest Synopsis
- Domestic Violence
- Non-Consensual Blood Draw
- Universal Addendum
- Gang Card/Field Interview Card (Pilot only)
- Post Pursuit
- Firearm Offense Information (Gun Trafficking)
- Call for Service (imported from MACH)
- Case Management for Investigations
- Case Management for Intelligence
- Case Management for Internal Investigations
- Online Civilian Crash Reporting
ADDITIONAL FORM DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Implementation of eCitation interface to Administrative Office of Illinois Courts and 102 Circuit Clerks in Illinois; Direct transmission of VSIS data to SAFER; Additional TraCS forms including NIBRS and Use of Force.
MACH has been deployed throughout Illinois.