The TraCS program is an initiative by the Iowa Department of Transportation to collect data from law enforcement at the scene of a motor vehicle collision and send that data electronically to the Iowa DOT. TraCS software and support is provided by the Iowa DOT at no charge to qualifying Iowa public safety agencies. Iowa DOT currently receives over 99.7 percent of crash data electronically from local and state law enforcement agencies. Over 92% of citations written in Iowa are submitted electronically through TraCS to the Iowa Court System.
The MACH program was initially developed and piloted in Iowa. MACH is an Internet based communications tool that allows public safety agencies to share information, enhancing cooperation and organization during every day activities and emergency situations. MACH uses the Internet and a sophisticated, scalable, and secure Web-services messaging foundation to offer job enhancing features that have, until now, been unpractical to provide to the public safety official in the field. Iowa State Patrol uses the MACH CAD module to dispatch 911 and other emergency calls throughout the state. The MACH software is also provided and supported by the Iowa DOT to qualifying public safety agencies at no charge.
- LEAD AGENCY: Iowa Department of Transportation
- PROGRAM SUPPORTED BY: Internal Staff and Contractor
- TRACS SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT: Statewide Agencies: Iowa State Patrol, Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Local Agencies: 395
- MACH SOFTWARE DELPOYMENT: Statewide Agency: Iowa State Patrol, Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Local Agencies: 402
- FUTURE DEPLOYMENT PLANS: Iowa DOT continues to deploy TraCS RMS and MACH to agencies throughout the state and will be developing a Crisis Intervention form in TraCS.
- LAST UPDATED: 2024/07
Forms being used by Iowa include:
- MV Crash Report
- Traffic Citation
- Traffic Warning Ticket
- Criminal Incident Report (NIBRS/UCR)
- Comercial Motor Vehicle Inspection
- DWI/OWI/MOWI Implied Consent
- Complaint and Affidavit
- Towing and Impound
- Time and Activity
- Field Interview
- Deer Tag
- Arrest
- Jail Booking
- Evidence Collection and Tracking
- Re-Exam
- Drug Recognition Expert (DRE)
ADDITIONAL FORM DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Iowa’s Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) Advisory Committee identified TraCS as the lead data collection tool for all Iowa Law Enforcement. RMS capabilities will be turned on in TraCS next.
Iowa is currently using MACH and MACH CAD. MACH BOT interfaces are in production for state snowplow locations, state highway cameras, 511 information sharing, and state switch queries (NCIC/NLETS.)