
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure chose TraCS and deployed TraCS Mobile to Panasonic CF-20 Toughbook tablet PCs and weigh scale computers connecting to TraCS Office deployed on Citrix. The TraCS product has been in production since 11/2006 for our officers. Manitoba is continuing to promote the TraCS software as a global solution for electronic Ticket and MV Crash Reports.
Motor Carrier is using TraCS to create nearly 100% of its forms. As a province, we see nearly 90% of the entire provinces annual CMV Inspections electronically created and transmitted using TraCS, followed by 90% of Weight Certificates and 5% of Citations.
Manitoba is upgraded to baseline version 19.01.05 from 17.18 with minimal issues. Using RMS for its involvement feature. Manitoba does not use MACH. Manitoba uses TraCS Web Services and TraCS Update. Manitoba is centrally hosted and we have recently upgrade hardware and OS software for MS Server 2016 and SQL Server 2016. We host TraCS via Citrix and leverage Microsoft Application Virtualization (AppV) for deployment in Citrix. Manitoba is using Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 64 bit for all machines. We have 5 Agencies, picking up our Department of Conservation this year. Manitoba Conservation will be using TraCS with their Conservation Officers and Park Patrol. In 2019 we developed 4 new forms and added 140 new users.
- LEAD AGENCY: Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation
- TRACS SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT: Province Wide Agency - Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation – Motor Carrier Enforcement – 40+ Officers; Manitoba Conservation and Climate 140+ users; Manitoba Finance - Taxation; Rural Municipality of Cornwallis Police Services; Town of Rivers Police Services
- FUTURE DEPLOYMENT PLANS: Project to electronically forward Citation data to Manitoba Justice has completed testing phase and plans to move forward are being made.
- LAST UPDATED: 2024/08
Forms being used by Manitoba include:
- Traffic Citation
- CMV Inspection
- Weight Certificate
- Post Crash Inspection
- Warning Notice
- Logbook Receipt
- District Occurrence Report
- Patrol and Inspection Report
- Enforcement Notice
- Violation Report
ADDITIONAL FORM DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Time and Activity Report currently ongoing.
Manitoba hasn't implemented MACH yet.