New York

In 1999, New York adopted the TraCS (Traffic and Criminal Software) platform to facilitate the capture and transmission of electronic data related to a wide range of public safety activities conducted by enforcement and court-related agencies. New York developed TraCS through a partnership that included the New York State Police (NYSP), Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and the Office of Court Administration (OCA) for forwarding to the respective local courts.
Designed as a statewide electronic ticket and crash data collection and transfer system, TraCS includes electronic ticket and crash forms, DWI forms, arrest and incident forms, commercial motor vehicle inspection forms, and the use of GPS devices and GIS maps.
TraCS represents a statewide effort to collect and transmit crash and citation/adjudication data electronically to the DMV’s AIS and TSLED (Traffic Safety Law Enforcement and Disposition) systems.
In 2021 New York issued 2.1 million traffic citations and completed 329,152 crash reports using TraCS.
- LEAD AGENCY: New York State Police (NYSP)
- PROGRAM SUPPORTED BY: Internal Staff and Contractor
- TRACS SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT: TraCS SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT: State-wide Agency: NYSP (2,500 cars, 4,900 Officers) – Local Agencies: 567 Use & dissemination agreements; 521 installations completed.
- FUTURE DEPLOYMENT PLANS: TraCS Update Server implementation.
- LAST UPDATED: 2024/07
TraCS Use
Forms being used by New York include:
- UTT – Universal Traffic Ticket
- Crash Reporting Form (MV104A, MV104S, MV104L, MV104D)
- Incident – RMS front end
- Forms package: Appearance Ticket, Deposition, Information’s, Complaints, Statements
- Field Intelligence Cards
- Vehicle Inventory
- Vehicle Search Form
- Traffic Depositions
- Enforcement Detail Reporting
- MV78B
- DWI: Lab 23, Supporting Deposition/Bill of Particulars, Refusal, Long Form Information
- Commercial Vehicle: Weights forms, Inspection form
- NYDMV DS5 – Police Request for Driver Review
ADDITIONAL FORM DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Currently updating the DWI form package to comply with DCJS standards and incorporating boating, snowmobiling and hunting laws.
New York hasn't implemented MACH yet.