The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) rolled out TraCS in FY 2006 to law enforcement agencies throughout the state. Several of these agencies are submitting TraCS Crash reports to NCDMV using the Electronic Crash Reporting System (ECRS.)

  • LEAD AGENCY: North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles
  • PROGRAM SUPPORTED BY: NCDMV Internal Staff and NCDIT Staff
  • TRACS SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT: 126 Local Agencies using TraCS for 4822 users. Electronic Crash Reporting System (ECRS): 129 agencies including State Highway Patrol with 8436 users are using this system to report electronically.
  • FUTURE DEPLOYMENT PLANS: North Carolina is continuing to make available the NC Traffic Records Communications System (TRCS) and Electronic Crash Reporting System (ECRS) to electronically capture Crash reports from Law Enforcement Agencies.
  • LAST UPDATED: 2024/12
TraCS Use

Forms being used by North Carolina include:

  • DMV-349 (NCCRF) NORTH CAROLINA Crash Reporting Form

ADDITIONAL FORM DEVELOPMENT PLANS: New forms will be developed as decided by the Division of Motor Vehicles and other stakeholders.


North Carolina hasn't implemented MACH yet.

Clyde Noble
TraCS Program Manager, NCDOT
919 615 7712