North Dakota

TraCS is the electronic crash reporting system used by the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) to collect data from law enforcement at the scene of a motor vehicle crash. North Dakota utilizes a centrally hosted server environment for all agencies allowing users access to TraCS in patrol vehicles through web services. Users can also access TraCS Web from office desktop computers. The NDDOT currently receives 100 percent of crash data electronically from local and state law enforcement agencies. Over 90 percent of traffic citations written in North Dakota are submitted electronically through TraCS to the ND Court System.
- LEAD AGENCY: North Dakota Department of Transportation
- PROGRAM SUPPORTED BY: Internal Staff and Contractor
- TRACS SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT: 122 agencies and over 2600 active users (as of 5-2021)
- FUTURE DEPLOYMENT PLANS: Continue to maintain the existing agencies that are using TraCS.
- LAST UPDATED: 2024/08
TraCS Use
Forms being used by North Dakota include:
- Crash Report (long form)
- Crash Report (short form)
- Electronic Citation
- Electronic Warning Ticket
- Report and Notice Form (DUI)
- Driver Insurance Exchange Form
- Request for Re-exam Form
- Insurance Verification Form
- Electronic Juvenile Citation
- Animal Crash Report
ADDITIONAL FORM DEVELOPMENT PLANS: No immediate plans for future forms.
North Dakota hasn't implemented MACH yet.