
TraCS is currently deployed in all PA State Police patrol vehicles so that troopers can start and complete crash forms, traffic citations, non-traffic citations, DL-640, VSIS commercial vehicle reports, and the criminal complaint. After completion, All reports are reviewed by a supervisor and when approved, the reports are automatically transmitted to either AOPC or PennDOT.
Since the implementation of the TraCS Crash Module we have seen several key process improvements. In our former paper process an average of 8.5 errors were found on reportable crash reports when processed by PennDOT, and today with TraCS, the error rate is down to 0.03%. Likewise, in our former paper process it took about 35 days for a report to be received by PennDOT, and today with TraCS, it takes less than 10 days on average. From the user's perspective, troopers are seeing significant time savings. Whereby, in the paper process reports that took about 40 minutes have been cut to about 25 minutes just by using TraCS.
Since the implementation of the TraCS Traffic Enforcement Module (TEM) we have seen significant improvements to our business process as well. The time spent completing a TraCS citation is around 7 to 8 minutes while a paper citation completed from scratch typically would take around 13 to 15 minutes. Once completed, the TraCS citation is then transferred to the TraCS Database where it is extracted and staged for pickup by JNET. The TraCS citation is then electronically sent on to the Administrative Office of PA Courts (AOPC) which processes the data into the PA Magisterial District Justice System (MDJS). In the paper world this process was completed manually by troopers. The troopers and the troopers’ supervisors also had a labor-intensive manual logging system for tracking the paper citations. The TraCS Database replaces this manual logging process as well as recording the final disposition which is sent back to the TraCS Database automatically from the MDJS system through JNET. The TraCS TEM has decreased workload, increased productivity, and made the trooper’s traffic enforcement work easier.
The Vehicle Safety Inspection System (VSIS) (Aspen replacement) has been released to all PSP members to use during Commercial Vehicle Inspections.
In March of 2018, the PA State Police began utilizing TraCS to issue Non-Traffic citations (NTC). The time spent completing a TraCS NTC is around 10 to 15 minutes while a paper citation completed from scratch typically would take around 25-30 minutes. Once completed, the TraCS NTC is then transferred to the TraCS Database for tracking. The troopers and the troopers’ supervisors also had a labor-intensive manual logging system for tracking the paper citations. The TraCS NTC has decreased workload, increased productivity, and made the trooper’s summary criminal enforcement work easier.
The Electronic Criminal Complaint is scheduled for deployment with PSP in November 2020. The time spent completing a TraCS Criminal Complaint is around 20 to 25 minutes while the existing Criminal Complaint typically would take around 40 to 45 minutes. Once completed, the TraCS Criminal Complaint will retrieve an OTN and e-file the Complaint with AOPC. The TraCS Criminal Complaint will decrease the workload, increase productivity, and make the trooper’s Criminal Arrests enforcement work easier.
TraCS to Locals (TTL) Program
In October of 2012 the TraCS to Locals (TTL) program was conceived. This program consists of PSP, PennDOT, North Central Highway Safety Network and Technology Enterprise Group, Inc. (TEG.) This program is a project under the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC) which controls the Federal Highway Safety (408) monies for PA. Our objective is to roll out TraCS to 60 local law enforcement entities each federal fiscal year. PSP, PennDOT and NCHSN are providing administrative, manpower and field training support. TEG is providing the IT support for the program.
As of March 2024, the TTL program is currently supporting five hundred and ninety seven (597) PA local agencies. The TTL is also working with another 60 agencies that have been identified to receive TraCS in the 2023-2024 fiscal period. There are currently 750 local agencies being tracked for the PA TTL program. The Vehicle Safety Inspection System (VSIS) (Aspen replacement) has been released to all MCSAP TraCS agencies to use during Commercial Vehicle Inspections.
For more information about the TTL program please click
here or contact the TraCS Program Manager
Cpl. Craig Johnson at or
- LEAD AGENCY: Pennsylvania State Police
- PROGRAM SUPPORTED BY: Internal Staff for PSP. Local Agencies - The TraCS to Locals (TTL) program consisting of PSP, PennDOT, Highway Safety Network (HSN) and TEG.
- TRACS SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT: Statewide Agency: Pennsylvania State Police (TraCS 19), Reportable and Non-Reportable Crash; Traffic Citation and Written Warning implemented in 2009. The Vehicle Safety Inspection, Non-Traffic Citation, and DL640(License and Registration seizure form) have been rolled out to PSP between 2016-2018. The electronic Criminal Complaint is scheduled for PSP deployment in November 2020.
Local Agencies: Formed the PA TraCS to Locals (TTL) Program in the Fall of 2012. The TTL gives access to Crash, Written Warning, Traffic Citation, and VSIS to all TTL agencies. Until funding can be secured the remaining forms will be PSP use only. - FUTURE DEPLOYMENT PLANS: Pennsylvania will add 60 new TTL departments in 2023-2024.
- LAST UPDATED: 2024/03
Forms being used by Pennsylvania include:
- PennDOT, AA-500 Reportable Crash Report form
- Non-Reportable Crash Record
- Public Information Release form
- Notice of Crash form
- Driver's Exchange form
- Report Correction Notice
- Traffic Citation
- Written Warning
- Non-Traffic Citation
- Vehicle Safety Inspection System (VSIS) (Aspen replacement)
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Bureau of Risk and Insurance Management, Notice of Accident Report
The Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) completes about 35% of all statewide reportable crash reports with TraCS for transmission to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). As of January, 2008, PSP has been using TraCS to report 100% of the crashes the agency covers, representing 60% of the State. As of January, 2010, approximately 95% of all citations issued by PSP are completed and electronically submitted utilizing TraCS.
Pennsylvania State Police hasn't implemented MACH yet. However, approximately 130 local agencies in the state are using MACH for mapping, messaging, NCIC-NLETS (PA CLEAN) queries, and cross agency interoperability.